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A social, safe place – Lewisham Park

A new toddlers’ play area is opening at Lewisham Park, in readiness for the half-term school holidays. Experienced landscape architect Jeremy Linden, of Groundwork Yorkshire , sets the scene in this short blog.

Take a walk down to Lewisham Park in the coming weeks and you will find young children enjoying their new play area.

Shouts of joy as they explore the mounds and tunnels found by a dual slide, as well as the thrill of playing on new swings, a rope net and wobbly bridge.

“The toddler’s play area at Lewisham Park has been designed to provide a sociable space that will encourage parents to meet and for younger children to play in a safe environment,” Jeremy told us.

“All of the equipment promotes joint play, develops balance and help the toddlers to explore a range of environments in a safe and exciting way. These activities help build confidence and above all to use up energy!”

Installing the play area has come with challenges but the Groundwork team are grateful for local support during the work.

“Many of the residents have stopped by to say how much they are looking forward to completion of the play area so that their younger children can enjoy a space that is designed for them,” the landscape architect added.

“Local councillors have taken a keen interest in the project, from design through to implementation, and have provided a positive link to the local community as it has taken shape.

“We would like to thank everyone. In delivering the project we encountered a number of unexpected challenges and they were both understanding and helpful in terms of overcoming these.”

This feeling of gratitude is shared by the community – Morley people know the value of improved greenspaces and appreciate Groundwork’s care, which has included assisting future maintenance with more rubber safety surfacing being laid than planned originally.

Councillor Jane Senior, of Morley Town Council and a Leeds City Councillor for Morley South, said: “We are delighted that investment has been given to Lewisham Park.

“It’s long overdue for this area and will provide the local community a safe and enjoyable place to spend their time.”

Know a family that would enjoy Lewisham Park? Please tell them about the new play area. It complements the multi-use games area, cricket wicket and wider recreation grounds,

You can find more details on what Morley Town Deal is planning for greenspaces online at and with further upcoming blogs on this site.

Posted on 20th October 2021

by Mark Travis